Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Affordable Solar Panels

When I first started looking into solar panels several years ago the cost was so high I thought I'd never be able to get a system set up. Over the years my husband found a deal on used solar panels and we had our first experience with being off the grid. This was wonderful! The whole town was down one day and we had our lights shinning bright, TV blaring , heater going and so forth. We had enough battery back up to last a week if needed. It was then that we realized we would never go back.

Since those years, solar panel systems have become more popular but just as expense as ever. Now with the help of Micheal Harvey the average person can build their own home made solar panels saving thousands of dollars off the cost of purchasing them and having the system installed. You can actually build one solar panel for anywhere from $75.00 to $200 depending on your local costs to purchase the materials. In this in debt manual with excellent graphics, blueprints, step by step instructions and even video step by step instructions for the nontechnical it's so easy to follow a child can do it. This is ranked #1 by all the competition, has email support, lifetime updates and testimonials by those who have used this to build DIY Solar panels. Also included is how to build a wind generator. And besides all that a 8 week trial period in case for some reason your not satisfied. Visit Michael's page click here:
Click Here!